Thursday, 9 February 2012

A 9 Year Old Legend !

I don't mind admitting it's been a tough couple of weeks, what with tummy bugs, MIL health issues, a pre-menstrual teenager and FFS I ran out of Green and Black's Organic Raisin & Hazelnut ! So when Little Miss H asked if I would post her latest literacy homework on my blog , I really wasn't sure ? Ok it's an easy win for me, I get a post and it requires zero effort on my behalf, but isn't it child exploitation !? ;)

Not according to Little Miss H ! She's desperate for it to go on, wants to see how many views it gets and she worked really hard on her writing ( she's a natural Mathematician and finds literacy a bit more challenging ) So this is for her ! I'm posting her Legend, which she wrote with no help whatsoever and I happen to think it's pretty darn good for a 9yr old......but I am her Mum ;)

Oh and it's all her own work, so all spelling and punctuation errors belong entirely to her !

Minomus and The Cheeagle!

Once a long, long time ago there was a very happy village on an island called Baffin, in Northern Canada. Until one terrible day, when the king of this happy village became extremely ill. He had a horrible illness. One dark winter’s night the king’s guard organised a gathering and announced a very important message. All the villagers gathered around the fire in the freezing, ice cold weather to hear what he had to say. " The king is extremely ill as you all know," announced the guard, " but now it is worse and he only has 3 days to live but at the end of today he will only have 2 days to live," the guard now became very upset, " and someone has to travel to the centre of the earth and back in 2 days to find the special flower to cure the king, otherwise he will die." The guard now started to cry.

His face as white as snow, a little boy stepped out in front of every one and shouted,"I will do it!" It was Minomus. He was only 10. Minomus had short, brown hair and blue eyes. All the villages were shocked, they couldn’t believe that little Minomus was offering to save the king. " Oh my beautiful boy I can’t believe you are offering to do such a dangerous thing," thanked the guard, " You will have to set off tomorrow morning to have enough time and you can’t go now because it is too late and too dark." With a face of pure joy, the guard stepped in front of Minomus, put his hand on his shoulder and whispered, " Go and get ready for tomorrow," So with that Minomus quickly ran off to pack a spare pair of clothes. He stuffed his pair of clothes into a tiny bag that his granny had made for him. Then he packed some rope just in case. Minomus went straight to bed eager for his big adventure the next morning.

Minomus woke up before any one else. He got his clothes on and put his woollen jumper on and the warmest fur coat he could find because it was the middle of winter and it was exceptionally cold. His nose as red as a tomato because it was freezing, he bravely but silently strolled out of the tiny village smiling and thought to himself in his head, " Come on Minomus you can do it!" Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Minomus could feel sweat dripping down his face as he turned around and looked up. He could see a tall figure. As he looked up and saw that it was only the king’s guard he started to calm down. "Pheeeeeeeew," he whispered as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Hello Minomus," spoke the guard, " It is only me and I have come to give you this weapon because I think you might need it." The king’s guard handed Minomus a spear. "Thank you!" replied Minomus. Minomus tied the spear to his bag with rope that he had packed earlier that morning. Then they both said goodbye.

Minomus turned around and set off on his big adventure! Baffin was quite a big island so it took him all day to walk to the North Atlantic Ocean. When Minomus had reached the ocean he found a little wooden boat so he got in the boat and set sail across the ocean. He went to sleep in the boat because it was getting dark. Minomus fell fast asleep. When he woke up in the morning he was on another island. This island seemed to be neglected and it was extremely hot so he decided to take off his coat and his woolly jumper. Minomus decided to have a wonder around and see if he could find any clues to find were the centre of the earth was. With cheeks as red as apples because it was so hot, Minomus wandered the island looking for clues and saying over and over again, "There must be a clue somewhere." Until he saw a cave. Slowly, he strolled into the dark, colossal cave.

The cave was full of tunnels and passageways. It was damp and there was little light. Minomus thought that this might be a way to the centre of the earth so he walked into the passageway straight ahead. It began to get hotter. Carefully, he tiptoed through the tunnels. Until suddenly he heard a roar. Sweat dripping down his face, Minomus peered around the corner of a tunnel and whispered to himself, " what ever there is there you can fight it." Cautiously, he stepped out in front of the beast and saw that it was a…

Dragon! At this point it was extremely hot. The dragon was covered in green and red scales. Eyes like snakes stared at Minomus. The dragon was three times bigger than Minomus! Miomus’s face started to turn red, he started to fidget with his T- Shirt buttons. The dragon blew fire at Minomus but he dodged it. Minomus grabbed his bag, untied the rope and held the spear that the king’s guard had given him. He threw it at the dragon. The dragon roared with pain and then fell to the floor. Then Minomus tied his spear back onto his bag.

Minomus saw a shiny flower behind the dragon. His face began to light up; I’ve found it he thought I’ve actually found it, the flower to cure the king! Excitedly, Minomus shouted out with glee " I’ve found the flower to cure the king!" MinomusBut then he realised that he only had half a day to get back to the king and it had taken him 1 day to get there and half a day to get the flower so he wouldn’t have enough time to get back to the king. Minomus started to cry. But then he heard a voice from behind him. " It’s ok don’t cry I will help you to get back home in time," Minomus turned around and saw a half eagle, half cheater and a unicorns horn. The beast had an eagle’s head and wings, a unicorns horn and a cheaters body and tail. This beast was called the Cheeagle. Proudly, on topshiny flower behind the dragon. His face began to light up; I’ve found it he thought I’ve actually found it, the flower to cure the king! Excitedly, Minomus shouted out with glee " I’ve found the flower to cure the king!" Minomus grabbed the flower and ran back out the cave and ran to the ocean. He stuffed the flower in his bag. But then he realised that he only had half a day to get back to the king and it had taken him 1 day to get there and half a day to get the flower so he wouldn’t have enough time to get back to the king. Minomus started to cry. But then he heard a voice from behind him. " It’s ok don’t cry I will help you to get back home in time," Minomus turned around and saw a half eagle, half cheater and a unicorns horn. The beast had an eagle’s head and wings, a unicorns horn and a cheaters body and tail. This beast was called the Cheeagle. Proudly, on top of a colossal body stood a huge feathery head where a sharp, green horn shone brightly in the sun. Beautifully, the creature’s wings flapped up and down in the strong wind. The creature’s long tail ferociously thrashed through the air.

" Thank you!" replied Minomus.

" I can fly you back to your island if you want?" exclaimed the Cheeagle

" Yes please, can we set off now so we will get there in time?" asked Minomus

" Yes of course we can, just jump on my back and we can go!" replied the Cheeagle

So with that Minomus got on the Cheeagle’s back and the Cheeagle flew off over the North Atlantic Ocean. Minomus put his coat and his woollen jumper back on because it started to get cold. The view is beautiful thought Minomus. Finally, after 5 hours and 50 minutes they arrived. The first person to see Minomus was his dad. " Minomus is back!" shouted Minomus’s dad. The king’s guard came rushing over and took Minomus and the Cheeagle straight to the king. " Please can you give me the flower?" asked the kings guard

"Yes," replied Minomus.

Minomus gave the flower to the guard and the guard gave the flower to the king. The king took a petal off the flower and ate it.

Suddenly, the king became better! " Oh thank you Minomus you are my hero!" thanked the king, " but who is this?" asked the king " This is the Cheeagle!" replied Minomus, " he flew me back over the ocean so that I would get back in time to cure you, he saved your life not me."

" Well done Cheeagle!" rewarded the king, "you can stay with us in this village if you like and we will look after you!"

"Ok!" replied Cheeagle, " I will stay with you." So with that the Cheeagle stayed in the village with every one and they all lived happily ever after!



  1. What an incredibly clever young lady you are. Very well done, I loved your story and was very happy that Minomus was able to save the King. A budding writer in the making!

  2. You would never guess she finds literacy more challenging. That was really creative; it had a good pace, didn't get boring and was easy for me and my baby brain to read! Good going!

  3. That's a brilliantly written story. Really creative and imaginative. Well done :-) My 10yr old also finds literacy difficult as he's definitely mathematically minded and I'm going to have him read this for inspiration. I think it'll really help him. Wonderful writing.

  4. Hey citygirlnomore thank you for reading , Little Miss H will be so thrilled when she gets back from school ! I will let her comment and say thanks .

    The Last Slayer, she's such a Maths geek I was amazed how well she had done, she had been given specific literacy areas to work on and she has tried so hard, bless !

  5. Awe Anonymous that's a lovely thing to say :) I hope your son enjoys the story. It's hard being very good at one thing but finding another more difficlut. Little Miss H is focused by nature and finds Maths very easy but wasn't going to be beaten by her English , hopefully she's cracked it now ! Say Hi to your son ! xxx

  6. Hi everyone it's Honey, I'm sooooooooooo glad that you all enjoyed my legend! THANK YOU for reading it and taking the time to comment! :-)

  7. That story is wonderful, really imaginative. She seems a gifted writer with such an incredibly detailed imagination! Brilliant stuff.

  8. Hi honey or should i say the next JK Rowling :)
    Fabulous sweetie!
    Love from Dennis' Mum xx
